Cigar News: Crowned Heads/Drew Estate La Coalición Band Change

It may seem simple, but if you are a cigar geek like me, you look for that rare moment in cigar collections that result in you wanting to save a few in your stash. Sometimes it is just a great cigar and you want to put some in a “do not touch” box to age them more and more, or it is a limited edition where there are just no more ever to be made.

Crowned Heads/Drew Estate La Coalición Siglo
Crowned Heads/Drew Estate La Coalición Siglo

Then there is the case of this years La Coalición, the collaboration between Drew Estate and Crowned Heads. In an interview I just did with Jon Huber, co-founder of Crowned Heads, I mentioned how I really like the look of the band on the cigar, especially the bits of teal color that runs through the gold and forms the backdrop for the gold coins in it. Jon smiled and then noted that the band has been tweaked since the PCA release of the cigar, and the teal color has been taken out.

So, if you were one of those fortunate to have gotten your hands on the original batch, or you find them in your brick and mortar, you may want to save a few and store them, as there will be no more with the teal color in the design.

As far as the interview, stay tuned this week and we will have that up soon. The chat I had with Jon walks the whole Crowned Heads story starting back in the CAO Cigar days up to the latest in the Crowned Heads portfolio in addition to some fine discussion about music and blending cigars.