Regius Cigars is a noted cigar company based out of London, England. The company partnered with the Plasencia family in Esteli, Nicaragua to source the leaf and produce their fine creations. Today I bring you a review of the Regius Seleccion Orchant, a flawless Nicaraguan puro, that is limited in production. The blend was created in collaboration with Mitchell Orchant of the legendary Alfie Turmeaus Tobacconist in London’s Mayfair, established in 1817.
According to the company’s website:
The Latin Regius denotes of a ‘King’. We present you a regal smoking experience: to enjoy a hand-made King of Cigars.
Gaius Petronius Arbiter (AD27) was a Roman writer and courtier for Emperor Nero who devoted himself to a life of pleasure. Yet far from being an ordinary, vulgar profligate, he became known as an accomplished voluptuary. Showing capacity for outrageous indulgence, he was looked upon by Nero to be the absolute authority on questions of taste (arbiter elegantiae), especially with the science of alchemy.
- Hermoso – 5 x 48
- Robusto – 4.75 x 52
- Campana (Belicoso)- 5.5 x 52
Early examination of the Regius Seleccion Orchant reveals a well constructed cigar with a satin smooth, medium brown wrapper, that has a touch of reddish orange hue to it. The wrapper has a fine sheen to it and a touch of marbling throughout. It is adorned with two bands – a primary that declares it as a Regius product and a secondary golden band that identifies it as the Seleccion Orchant.
For this review I sampled the Regius Seleccion Orchant Robusto
Cigar Review Notes
- Splendid aroma of sweet hay on the foot
- Cold draw has slight restriction with notes of earth mostly and a touch of pepper
- Initial puffs offer medium pepper with a pleasant nut in the background
- Very smooth smoke after inch of burn
- Solid light grey ash thick char line
- Peanut shows up at the end of the first third
- The peanut is followed with a hint of coffee and sugary sweetness
- The smoke is absolutely delicious at this point and the burn is spot on
- Outstanding ash – once it falls it reveals a perfectly centered and flat burn cone
- A touch of cedar enters into the second third
- Rich, Cubanesque floral aroma has been developing through the experience
- Finishes with a sea salt and butter-nut at the end
- Medium-plus in strength
- Total Smoking Time was just over 1 hour
Overall, the Regius Seleccion Orchant was truly a delectable cigar that offered a full body of smoke, rich in flavor, and a perfect trouble free burn. It can easily be described as an elegant smoke. This would be a perfect after dinner cigar that would pair quite well with a fine cognac. Priced around $10.00/cigar this is worthy of a box buy for sure.