Cigar News: Altadis U.S.A. Announces the H. Upmann 180th Anniversary Cigar

Altadis U.S.A. celebrates a big milestone in 2024, as the H. Upmann cigar brand turns 180 years old. The limited-edition H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar commemorates one of the oldest and most renowned cigar brands in the world since 1844. The cigar, an iconic 50 X 7 Churchill size, will be presented in a beautifully detailed 10-count box. Only 5,000 boxes have been produced. In addition to these boxes, Altadis U.S.A. will also release 180 special-edition, numbered humidors – each containing 50 exclusive cigars in a 50 X 6 Toro size.

The legacy of the brand began when German banker Herman Upmann took a leap of faith and moved to Havana, Cuba, to open a branch for his family bank. He created a small batch of cigars for his best clients, and quickly became passionate about tobacco. This passion led him, alongside his younger brother, August, to develop their own cigar brand in 1844. Now, 180 years later, H. Upmann is still well-known across the globe. This H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar will serve as a testament to the H. Upmann brothers’ commitment to the masterful craft of cigars. 

This unique Nicaraguan blend was created in collaboration with Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez using a medio tiempo wrapper from a hybrid seed that underwent an enhanced fermentation process, which gave birth to a blend which boasts rich flavors and multidimensional complexity.  

Rafael Nodal, Head of Product Capability for Tabacalera USA, states:

“We are proud to pay tribute to the 180th Anniversary of the H. Upmann brand with this exceptional cigar. The blend features a complex variety of Nicaraguan tobaccos from different regions, providing an array of flavor nuances and aromas.”

To further celebrate H. Upmann’s 180th Anniversary and its reputation for utmost quality, excellence and craft, the brand has partnered with luxury bespoke hat maker, Wild Hats, to create a commemorative H. Upmann 180th Anniversary fedora style hat. Only a limited number have been produced and will be presented at Altadis U.S.A.’s booth (#7079) at the PCA trade show. The Wild Hats team will be making hats in the booth.

The H. Upmann 180th Anniversary line includes:

10-count box: 5,000 individually numbered boxes

  • Vitola: 50 X 7 Churchill
  • MSRP: $22.50 per cigar

50-count Humidor: 180 individually numbered humidors

  • Vitola: 50 X 6 Toro
  • MSRP: $1500 per humidor package


Altadis U.S.A. has been crafting fine premium cigars since 1918 and is responsible for many of the world’s most renowned brands, including Henry Clay, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann and Trinidad. If you have ever enjoyed a premium cigar, there’s a good chance you’ve enjoyed a cigar crafted by Altadis U.S.A. Visit for more information.