BLEND Bar with Davidoff Cigars (“BLEND”), the internationally acclaimed cigar lounge having been named the Best Cigar Lounge in the world by Cigar Journal, is thrilled to announce the launch of its exclusive new BLEND Dominicano La Familia 2023 Edition cigar line (“BLEND Dominicano”). The official launch of the new, proprietary cigar line will be held in August 2024 at all locations.
In its 11 years of operation, BLEND has gained a reputation of providing the very finest handmade premium cigars—including some of the rarest and most limited cigar offerings available—to cigar enthusiasts and connoisseurs. The BLEND Dominicano promises to extend and deepen BLEND’s commitment to the very finest standards of premium cigar quality, craftsmanship and tradition.
Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic by Kelner Cigars, BLEND Dominicano cigars feature a harmonious blend of the finest tobaccos aged at least three years. Additionally, the finished cigars were aged for more than a year to provide a rich, medium-bodied smoking experience that’s marked by an exquisite balance of flavors and aromas. BLEND Dominicano combines carefully selected Dominican filler tobaccos, an Ecuadorian Habano binder and a luxurious Ecuadorian Habano wrapper to create a complex, satisfying, velvety and indulgent smoke with subtle hints of cocoa and an overall creamy flavor profile.
BLEND Co-Owner and President, Corey Johnston stated:
“BLEND Dominicano is a tribute to the legacy of cigar-making excellence. We have dedicated ourselves to perfecting this blend throughout its entire four years of development, to ensure that every puff delivers a memorable experience for our discerning customers. The launch of our own cigar line represents a natural platform for future growth of the BLEND brand.”
BLEND Dominicano is available in four sizes:
- Corona (5 ½ x 43)
- Robusto (5 x 50)
- Toro (6 x 52)
- Churchill (7 x 48)
Each of the cigar vitolas offers slightly different smoking characteristics for which BLEND staff have significant expertise in pairing cigars with spirits to suggest a beverage to enhance guests’ experiences.
BLEND Dominicano is limited with just 20,000 cigars constructed. Available in 10-count boxes, BLEND Dominicano cigars are exclusively available only at BLEND Bar with Davidoff Cigars locations— Indianapolis, Pittsburgh and The Woodlands, Texas—or online at
BLEND Bar with Davidoff Cigars is an internationally award winning upscale cigar lounge. At night, BLEND is a trendy, sophisticated nightspot where you can enjoy old friends while making new ones. During the day, BLEND is the perfect meeting place to close an important business deal or entertain a client.
No expense was spared when designing BLEND’s elegant interior. Every location features custom leather seating with a lit onyx bar, custom lighting and decor. BLEND takes elegance and class seriously, an offers a tailor-made, custom experience exactly to every guest’s liking. That’s the BLEND experience.
About Kelner Cigars
Founded by Klaas Pieter Kelner in 2021, Kelner Cigars, S.A.S., is located in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic. Klaas, who represents the third generation of his family in the premium cigar and tobacco growing business, established Kelner Cigars after gaining years of experience working with other noted cigar companies.