Casa 1910, a leader in the production of mexican high-quality cigars, is pleased to announce the launch of several new products that will further enrich its Revolutionary lineup. These exciting releases reflect Casa 1910’s continued commitment to exceptional craftsmanship and innovation in the mexican tobacco.
New Cigars in the Revolutionary Line: “Tierra Blanca – Format” and “El Ebano – Cigar”
Casa 1910 introduces two exciting additions to its revolutionary lineup: the “Tierra Blanca” Cigar in Robusto 5×50 format and the “El Ebano” Cigar available in Toro Extra 6×54 and Robusto 5×50 formats. These cigars have been carefully crafted by our Master Blender, Manolo Santiago, to offer an exceptional smoking experience with distinctive notes that highlight the rich tradition of Mexican tobacco.
EL EBANO | ROBUSTO | 5”X50 | 10 COUNT BOX | 13.5 $ |
EL EBANO | TORO EXTRA | 6”X54 | 10 COUNT BOX | 15 $ |
TIERRA BLANCA | ROBUSTO | 5”X50 | 10 COUNT BOX | 14.5 $ |
TIERRA BLANCA | TORO EXTRA | 6”X54 | 10 COUNT BOX | 16.5 $ |
Mexigars: A New Proposal with a Mexican Seal
Casa 1910 enthusiastically presents its new brand, “Mexigars”, which aims to offer an unbeatable quality-price ratio with carefully selected Mexican tobaccos. Under the expert direction of Manolo Santiago, Mexigars launches two new cigars in Toro 6×52 format: the MX-1 and the MX-2. These cigars encapsulate the essence of Mexico, using diverse seeds, tobaccos, and fermentations to create unique flavor profiles.
Inspired by the culinary richness and traditions of Mexico, Manolo Santiago has incorporated flavors of intense chilies, distinctive spices, and sweet chocolate into the tobacco blends, providing smokers with an authentic experience.
The presentation of these cigars will be in bundle-pack of 25 pieces. And the selected tobacco shops will be able to have the “Mexigars” humidor, where they will be able to show these incredible productions. They will be changing from time to time, with different tobacco, aroma and flavor profiles. Showing different aspects of the unique Mexico.
MX-1 | TORO | 6”X52 | 25 BUNDLE | 9.9 $ |
MX-2 | TORO | 6”X52 | 25 BUNDLE | 9.9 $ |
Availability and Celebration
These new products will be available at select tobacconists and authorized distributors starting Jun-Jul 24’. Casa 1910 celebrates this exciting launch and looks forward to tobacco enthusiasts enjoying the quality and innovation that distinguishes the brand.
Join the Flavor Revolution with Casa 1910 and Mexigars.
#Casa1910 #Mexigars #NewReleases #MexicanTobacco #RevolutionaryBlend