Cigar News: Cigar Rights of America Breaks Down World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)


Today, February 6, the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) convened in Panama City, Panama. This meeting of COP was originally scheduled to be held in November of last year, but was postponed due to ongoing security concerns.

This gathering of global leaders, health experts, and policymakers is the preeminent forum for discussion, negotiation, and adoption of robust and comprehensive tobacco control measures. Historically, COP meetings have resulted in significant tobacco control initiatives, including measures related to tobacco advertising and promotion, packaging and labeling, tobacco taxation, and tobacco product regulation.

While COP10 is expected to primarily focus on cigarettes, smokeless, mass-market cigars, and electronic nicotine delivery systems, the event holds significant implications for the premium cigar industry. While only state actors are allowed to engage in the proceedings, Cigar Rights of America (CRA) will be carefully monitoring the conference as it unfolds. We remain vigilant and concerned about these proceedings and the potential one-size-fits-all policies that could be adopted during this gathering.

CRA calls on all participating parties to adhere to a balanced, evidence-based decision-making process that respects individual rights and acknowledges the uniqueness of various tobacco products. Any regulatory policies adopted at COP10 must be mindful of the differences in tobacco products, especially with regards to premium cigars.

As the world watches the proceedings at COP10, CRA wants to assure our members that we will continue to fight for the interests of premium cigars and push back against any one-size-fits-all policy measures that don’t respect the uniqueness of premium cigars.