Crux Cigars, an established name in cigar manufacturing has announced a refreshed brand image with a new logo, packaging, and messaging.
The comprehensive re-brand elevates the focus on Crux’s constant commitment to quality cigars and desire to connect to their consumers in new and innovative ways. The re-brand includes a new logo, refreshed blend specific branding, all new packaging design, and a comprehensive communication plan.
Crux Cigars made the decision to re-brand after years of introducing unique cigars in the U.S. market with great success. The company manufactures cigars that appeal to all levels of cigar smokers by providing an extensive variety of strengths and vitolas. Over the past years, they have been awarded with high ratings and year over year growth.
Although the look will change, the blends will continue to use the same quality tobaccos and processes they have developed since starting in 2014.
Jeff Haugen, Owner of Crux Cigars stated:
“Crux has always been about celebrating life’s successes, failures, and moments of reflection. In these moments, you will find your crux. We find our crux when we grow communities through relationships.”
The new brand messaging marries with a sleek, innovative packaging design. These designs will be officially revealed at IPCPR 2019, but the company will publish glimpses of the new look prior to the show on their social media channels.
The Brand Announcement
The comprehensive brand reveal will take place at IPCPR 2019. See the brand and core line packaging in person at booth #656.
Brand Implementation Timeline
5 Crux blends will be ready to ship with new packaging at IPCPR 2019. These blends include Epicure, Epicure Maduro, Limitada, Guild, and Bull & Bear The remaining blends are set to ship Q4 2019. These blends are Passport, Skeeterz, and Ninfamaniac.