Cigar News: Fratello Cigars Releases Camo Nicaragua

Fratello Cigars is pleased to announce Fratello Camo Nicaragua. The Camo Nicaragua will be released in a Habano, Maduro, Connecticut, and a Connecticut Sweet tip. The Camo Nicaragua will make its debut at this year’s Tobacco Plus Expo 2023.

The Camo Nicaragua is manufactured at Esteli Cigars and released in a churchill 7 x 52 format and a gordo 6×60 format.

“I’m really excited about working with Karen Berger and her team in Esteli Cigars. With her wealth of experience in this industry and the amazing tobaccos they work with, the Camo Nicaragua line will be a complete success.” Said de Frias.

“This is the first time working with Omar and Fratello on a project. I believe we created something unique to complement his Camo line now but packed with the flavor of Nicaragua tobacco.” Said Karen Berger.
The line will be priced at 52.50 for a bundle of 25 cigars. The expected shipment date is April 1st 2023. 
For more information about the cigars, visit

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