Gotham Cigars is launching the Flatbush Cigar Company, a three blend, nine vitola line-up of cigars.
Gotham Cigars was the outcome of a meeting over rum and cigars in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn over
20 years ago. The cigars in the Flatbush Cigar Company different series’ are a direct reflection of the hard-working, aspirational and now iconic area in Central Brooklyn known as Flatbush. Created to offer unique blends that premium cigar smokers can enjoy but won’t break the bank from a price standpoint, Flatbush cigars will appeal to the melting pot of consumers that enjoy a great cigar.
Produced in the boutique Best Cigars S.A. factory in Esteli, Nicaragua and constructed with only the finest aged tobaccos, Flatbush cigars are offered in three exclusive blends
Stoop 526
- Wrapper: Mexican San Andres Maduro
- Binder: Nicaraguan Habano
- Filler: Nicaraguan (Condega and Jalapa)
Yellow Cab
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
- binder: Nicaraguan Habano
- Filler: Nicaraguan from (Condega and Jalapa)
The Doorman
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder: Nicaraguan Habano
- Filler: Nicaraguan (Condega and Jalapa)
Each blend is available in three vitolas and come packaged in 10-count bundles:
- Toro: 6 x 52
- Gordo: 6 x 60
- Churchill: 7 x 50
Manny Balani, owner and President of Gotham Cigars states:
“The story behind the story of Flatbush Cigar Company is that a conversation that I was having about the cigar business many years ago while in Flatbush generated the idea that has become Gotham Cigars. I have always known that I wanted to honor that meeting, and one of my favorite areas in Brooklyn, with a cigar…and now here it is. These are really fantastic cigars that are affordable. We look forward to introducing them to the market, and following that up with a few other creative ideas we have planned for the Flatbush Cigar Company.”
Gotham Cigars was created out of a passion for providing consumers with the freshest cigars, delivered fast, at great prices. Combine this with personalized customer service and a hand picked selection of cigars and accessories for every smoker and you have the five-star customer experience that Gotham cigars is known for.
Gotham was born in New York City in 1998. A couch, laptop and bedroom humidor, along with a drive to provide amazing service and selection to cigar smokers, got it all started. Since then Gotham has grown into one of the most successful on-line cigar retailers in the US. Our selection of cigars for every smoker – occasional to aficionado, and every budget – highly rated exclusive cigars to value priced machine mades – provides an offering for every smoker and every budget. We also are proud to offer a robust lineup of cigar related accessories and gifts.
To learn more about Gotham Cigars and experience the personal connection we have with our customers visit where you will find the selection of the Flatbush Cigar Company cigars.