In 1968, Juan Francisco Bermejo and Simón Camacho founded the first premium cigar factory in Nicaragua: the Nicaraguan Cigar Company, now known as Joya de Nicaragua. In the heart of the city of Estelí, these two entrepreneurs began to produce brands such as: El Caudillo, María Mancini, Count Christopher, Medal of Honor, Jericho, Camacho, Fifty Club and Rosalones.
The 1970s marks an iconic moment in the history of Joya de Nicaragua, Nicaraguan cigars begin to be recognized around the world as an alternative to habanos. During this time, Rosalones was stealthily making its way into different markets, becoming one of the favorites of the Joya de Nicaragua lovers.
This cigar was first discontinued in 1990. In 1994, Joya de Nicaragua was acquired by Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, who opened doors for the company after difficult times, resuming relationships with old distributors and opening new paths for the brand in different countries, like Spain.
The blend is described as:
- Wrapper – Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder – Nicaragua
- Filler – Nicaragua
In 2011, after its discontinuation in the 90s, the Rosalones brand was revived at the request of the team that represents Joya de Nicaragua in Spain and became one of the smokers’ favorites.
In commemoration of one of the first blends of the legendary Joya de Nicaragua Factory and the fidelity of the Spanish market towards the Rosalones brand in the last 11 years, we present Rosalones SELECCIÓN
BODEGAS, a platform through which the Rosalones brand will bring to the market exclusive blends to pair with wines from the Iberian region. With annual limited editions, the brand aims to accompany Spanish smokers in one of their favorite rituals, combining a cigar with a good wine, creating a unique sensory experience.
Every year ROSALONES SELECCIÓN BODEGAS will present to the market a blend that makes a perfect pairing with one of the many denominations of origin of the peninsula, in collaboration with the Wine and Cigar Sommelier, Agustín López, who has been in charge of identifying these harmonious unions. This “2022 EDITION” is ideal to be smoked accompanied by red wines with Qualified Denomination of Origin Rioja.
Cigar Sommelier, Agustín López stated:
“I feel very proud and it has been a privilege for me to be able to collaborate in this great pairing with Joya de Nicaragua, a company with more than 50 years of existence and a world leader in the art of tobacco. I have contributed my grain of sand to this project, where we have worked side by side, contributing ideas to continue innovating and creating ROSALONES SELECCIÓN BODEGAS, where the tradition and history of Nicaraguan tobacco and wines from La Rioja come together. I hope that the people of Spain enjoy this excellent combination for the delight of the senses.”
ROSALONES SELECCIÓN BODEGAS “EDICIÓN 2022” preserves in its composition the same character of the original Rosalones blend from the 60s, made with aged tobacco leaves of the highest quality. This cigar offers an exceptional smoke, which allows each puff to experience a pleasant explosion of notes of wood, roasted coffee, nuts and pepper. “EDICIÓN 2022” comes in a box of 20ct cigars Toro format 6×50. Only 250 boxes will be produced from this limited edition and will be available for sale in the cigar shops of Spain in the middle of December 2022.
Juan Ignacio Martínez Executive President – Joya de Nicaragua noted:
“Spain was instrumental in the development of the tobacco industry as we know it today, hence the importance it has had over the years. And for us it has been the same, Spain is very important, we have been in this market for many years, and many smokers have supported our brands. ROSALONES SELECCIÓN BODEGAS is a tribute to our friends, Albert and Ernest, our local team, the tobacconists, and the fans in general. I hope you enjoy these cigars from my land that are intertwined with the wonderful wines of yours, as much as we do.”