To continue building on Cuatro Cinco’s legacy, Joya de Nicaragua introduces Cuatro Cinco Edición Europa, a special edition that honors the strong relations that Joya de Nicaragua built with Europe during the most difficult times of its history.
In 1968, Juan Francisco Bermejo and Simón Camacho founded the first premium cigar factory in Nicaragua: The Nicaraguan Cigar Company, now known as Joya de Nicaragua. Business was booming and the Nicaragua Cigar Company was being recognized as the maker of some of the world’s finest cigars.
After the Nicaraguan Civil War in the ’70s, the U.S. imposed an embargo on Nicaragua in 1985, and the company could no longer sell its cigars to the American market. This is when Joya de Nicaragua started seeking new opportunities for their amazing cigars, finding shelter in Europe. Here, the brand became a reference in countries like Switzerland, Eastern Germany, England, and the Soviet Union, traditionally dominated by Cuban cigars. These were the first steps of the New World cigars.
In November 2013, Joya de Nicaragua released Cuatro Cinco Edición Limitada, which commemorated the 45th anniversary of the company. Since its release, Cuatro Cinco has been highly-rated and a fan-favorite cigar in the industry, being awarded Cigar of The Year in the U.K., in the Boisdale Cigar Awards 2016. In the last 9 years, this amazing cigar has been produced in six vitolas (Toro 6 ¼x50, Belicoso 6×54, Torpedo 6×52, Doble Robusto 5×56, Petit Corona 4¼x46 and Belicoso Gordo).
Since its release, Joya de Nicaragua has launched two regional editions of Cuatro Cinco in places where the brand has deep and strong relationships, Cuatro Cinco Edición Asia for the Asian market in 2020 and Cuatro Cinco Edición Americana for the United States in 2021.
Juan Ignacio Martínez – Executive President – Joya de Nicaragua notes:
“Once it became possible to travel again after the pandemic, we started traveling to Europe to visit some of our oldest friends. It is a great moment in the cigar industry in Europe right now and we knew that we wanted to spend time with them. After such a stressful period, having your friends by your side feels even
better. Europe has deserved this Cuatro Cinco special edition for a long time and we were more than happy to announce it last September at Intertabac 2022, in Germany. This is a way to celebrate relationships that were formed decades ago.”
Cuatro Cinco Edición Europa comes in a 7×52 Doble Corona box pressed format and is limited to just 500 10-count boxes. This blend features Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper and selected Grade A filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The finished cigars are aged for at least one year in white oak vintage barrels, which were previously used inside a world-renowned rum distillery. The company hopes their European amigos will enjoy the taste of the Joya de Nicaragua experience once again.