In 2018, Joya de Nicaragua celebrated its 50th anniversary by sharing with consumers around the world the best cigar that has ever come out of its factory: Cinco Décadas. From the very first day the company’s strength has lied in its people, who have always been committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence. Today they pay tribute to the visionaries that ignited the Nicaraguan cigar industry, Juan Francisco Bermejo and Simón Camacho. Now, the finest blend of Cinco Decades honors their lofty standard, therefore they named it Fundador.
Dr. Alejandro Martinez Cuenca, Chairman and Owner of Joya de Nicaragua noted:
“When we conceived the concept of the brand, we decided that every year until the next big anniversary, we would nationally release a size that would pay tribute to key characters that shaped the story of our company, and thus, today we commemorate the vision of two immigrant businessmen that transformed our country”
Cinco Décadas, with a perfect construction, is a cigar of unparalleled elegance. Made exclusively with the company’s prime extra-vintage leaves taken from their most exclusive collection of tobaccos. It carries an immaculate balance accompanied by a luxurious complexity of sweet and spicy flavors. Its silky-smooth smoke delivers a rich and fulfilling experience.
Dr. Martínez Cuenca extolled:
“This stunning cigar comes in a 6 x 54 soft pressed format that will captivate you the moment you light it. This Gran Toro comes in a 10ct box with an MSRP of $20 per stick, and will only be available at selected retailers around the world. In the United States it is a DDRP Exclusive product, that will be shipping as of July 2019.”
Cinco Décadas Fundador will be showcased this June at the 87th IPCPR Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas for all US retailers, and at Intertabac in Dortmund in September. Joya de Nicaragua invite all to rise to the occasion and pay tribute to those who made it possible for us to enjoy Nicaraguan cigars around the world, and to already expect next year’s commemoration to other protagonists of the story of The Most Nicaraguan Cigar.
About Joya de Nicaragua
Established in 1968, Joya de Nicaragua is Nicaragua’s first and oldest cigar factory in operation.
JDN’s commitment to quality along with their skillful and resilient people have brought their handmade cigars to over 50 countries around the world, making it Nicaragua’s most international brand.
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