JR Cigar is pleased to announce the release of an exciting addition to Boneshaker, one of its most popular house brands.
Introduced by JR Cigar nearly a decade ago, the Boneshaker line was conceived as a rich and powerful blend, available in larger ring gauges. It is now a mainstay of the JR portfolio and a favorite for anyone seeking a full-bodied smoke. Over the last 10 years, three line extensions have been added: Full Body Cast, Tombstone and the Boneyard, each of which brought a creative twist to the original.
For this latest release, JR Cigar has teamed up with legendary manufacturer Aganorsa Leaf and collaborated with their own famed big ring gauge brand – the JFR Lunatic.
Boneshaker by Lunatic combines the best elements of the two brands by using the flavorful, rich tobaccos that made Aganorsa famous, and the strength and intensity found in all the Boneshaker releases. The cigar is hand rolled in Nicaragua using a dark and oily San Andres Maduro wrapper, along with a Jalapa 99 binder and three different fillers, including some Ligero Jalapa to give it an extra kick. This rich and bold cigar offers heavy notes of dark chocolate, leather and earth, with some spice on the retro hale and a smooth finish.
Terence Reilly of Aganorsa Cigars noted:
“JFR Lunatic and Boneshaker is a match made in heaven. There are only a few brands that have had the courage to try, much less master, the big ring gauge cigar. Lunatic is literally the biggest of the bunch! With the combination of our tobacco and the Boneshakers reputation as a powerhouse cigar, we are very excited to bring this brand to the consumer.”
Boneshaker by Lunatic comes packed in matte black boxes of 10 cigars in three sizes:
- 6×54 – $72.99 per box / $8.50 MSRP per Cigar
- 6×60 – $74.99 per box / $8.99 MSRP per Cigar
- 7×70 – $79.99 per box / $9.99 MSRP per Cigar
This cigar will be available beginning November 6 at www.jrcigars.com.
For more information, call JR Cigar at 800-572-4427 or visit www.jrcigars.com