Kafie 1901 Cigars is set to unveil a new addition to their portfolio of premium cigars. Collaborating closely with La Aurora Cigars, Kafie 1901 Cigars has embarked on an exciting journey to introduce a line of cigars that promises something sweet to your premium cigar smoking experience.
Dr. Kafie remarked:
“During my extensive travels throughout the United States, I’ve been frequently asked about our offerings for individuals that enjoy sweet cigars. While technically we haven’t ventured into this territory, we believe it’s time to explore new horizons and cater to the diverse preferences of our consumers.”
In April 2024, the company anticipates the arrival of three distinct blends, each meticulously crafted to perfection. Initially available in robusto and toro vitolas, the company has chosen to unveil only the wrapper used in each blend, maintaining an air of mystery around the remaining tobacco components. The company has stated that all cigars are crafted with 100% long filler tobaccos, ensuring a truly premium smoking experience along with tobaccos that are 4-5 year aged. The only added part is the sweet tip which enhances the smoking experience and tantalizes the palate with wonderful flavors.
The offerings will include:
- Connecticut Wrapper: Binder (undisclosed) | Fillers (undisclosed)
- Habano Natural: Binder (undisclosed) | Fillers (undisclosed)
- Habano Maduro: Binder (undisclosed) | Fillers (undisclosed)
Each blend will be expressed in a 2 vitolas, each packaged in 20-count boxes:
- Robusto (5 x 50) – MSRP $7.90 per cigar
- Toro (6 x 50) – MSRP $8.30 per cigar
Dr. Kafie further noted:
“The premium cigar industry thrives on a rich tapestry of flavors and experiences, and it’s our utmost priority to heed the feedback of our valued retailers and consumers. We’re incredibly excited to introduce this new segment to our portfolio, confident that it will broaden our presence in the market. We anticipate that both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike will find delight in these cigars, sparking curiosity and paving the way for exploration across our diverse range of offerings.”
If you are attending the PCA Trade Show this month, you can experience firsthand the unparalleled craftsmanship and dedication that go into every Sweet Tip Liga de la Casa® cigar.