In an open letter to the cigar industry, Litto Gomez, owner of La Flor Dominicana has declared his support for the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) trade show. In the introductory statement, he notes:
“For 25 years since the founding of our company my wife and I have attended the trade show, and though the name may have changed a couple times and perhaps some of the faces, the people largely remain the same and because of them we continue to believe it is the most important event of the year.”
Later on in the letter, he expresses his biggest concern:
“I cannot ignore the sadness that overcomes me knowing that at this very moment we as an industry are facing the worst enemy in our history. This enemy is not and should not be among us, it is the FDA, and their intentions are clear; they want to destroy us.”
The complete letter is here for you to read.