Luciano Cigars announces a new cigar line, Foreign Affair, launching at the 2023 Total Product Expo in Las Vegas (February 22nd to 24th). The new cigar was carefully blended as an ode to the globalization of the cigar industry and its smokers, to the capacity we have of connecting with one another by experiencing a great cigar together.
Luciano Meirelles – CEO & Co-founder of Luciano Cigars stated:
“There is something extraordinarily magical that occurs in the shared space of smoke, cigars, and people. It’s as if barriers are bridged, and guards lowered. The experience goes beyond language, culture, gender, or any sense of otherness. Varied pathways lead to this common ground, a sacred ambience where we can connect and understand that no matter how foreign we may be to one another, the humanity in us overwhelms our perceptive differences. Those once strangers to one another are brought together, under the influence of a worldly cigar.”
This reverence found between premium tobacco, passion, and the relationships built from them was also reflected in the friendship between Luciano Meirelles, Frank Cossio (Co-founder of Astorian Cigar Co.), and Mike Dounoulis (Luciano Cigars’ Regional Sales Manager & Co-founder of Astorian Cigar Co.). The trio worked on the cigar for over a year, led by Cossio’s attentive palate, Dounoulis’ creativity, and Meirelles’ blending complexity. At the end of this journey, Foreign Affair is a cigar designed to appeal to the differing perceptions of all smokers.
Mike Dounoulis, Luciano Cigars Florida Sales Manager & Co-founder of Astorian Cigar Co noted:
“The idea was to convey the unique and transcendent connection we experience in the shared space of smoke, cigars, and people. This cigar to me is emblematic of the relationships and bonds we’re able to build in our industry.”
Frank Cossio, Co-founder of Astorian Cigar Co stated:
“It’s a cigar with a taste profile that contradicts itself. You find boldness alongside sweetness, and it’s so balanced you can fully enjoy it without becoming overwhelmed.”
Foreign Affair is the invitation towards recognizing that what unites us will always be greater than what we allow to divide us. It’s emblematic of a journey with no fixed destination, the beckoning to travel to understand each other.
The cigar will be offered in the following four sizes packaged in 24 count boxes:
- Corona – 5 ⅝ x 42 $9.50 MSRP
- Rothschild – 4 ½ x 48 $10.35 MSRP
- Toro Extra – 6 ½ x 52 $11.80 MSRP
- Belicoso – 6 x 54 $12.50 MSRP
The blend is described as:
- Binder: Nicaragua & Ecuador
- Wrapper: Sumatra Ecuador
- Filler: Nicaragua, Costa Rica & Dominican Republic
Foreign Affair is made at the Luciano Cigars Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. It will be debuting at TPE 2023 in Vegas, with Luciano Cigars found at booth #2079.