Partagas is launching “Añejo,” a refined cigar named for the profoundly-aged wrapper tobaccos that define its appearance and its taste.
Handcrafted at General Cigar Dominicana and shipping to retailers on March 1, Partagas Añejo is a dimensional blend that starts off mellow and builds to a medium-bodied experience as the smoke progresses. Notes of wood, leather and earth abound, stemming from the cigar’s artisanal blend.
The star of Partagas Añejo is its wrapper. Predominantly adorned with a rare 1998 Cameroon which is intermixed with 2013 Connecticut Shade in a barber-pole format, the aged wrapper tobaccos create a cigar of exceptional depth. The Mexican and Dominican filler and Dominican binder deepen the complexity of the aged wrappers to deliver a layered experience.
Matt Wilson, senior brand manager for Partagas said:
“With Partagas Añejo, we have taken the brand’s long-term association with aged Cameroon wrappers to a new level. Not only have we created the first Partagas cigar to have a barber pole wrapper, but we’ve also done so with tobaccos that are among the most aged we’ve ever used. Añejo will become a seasonal offering for Partagas, one that will give us the opportunity to highlight the intricacies and nuances of deeply-aged Cameroon wrapper.”
The Partagas Añejo is expressed in two vitolas and comes packaged in 25-count wooden boxes. Both frontmarks are 4.5” length in length which was dictated by the size of Cameroon wrapper leaves.
- Petit Robusto (4.5” x 49)– MSRP per cigar $6.99
- Esplendido (4.5” x 60)– MSRP per cigar $7.49