The little Texas cigar company that keeps on chugging along, Providencia Cigars, has announced their 5th production cigar. Known as La Misión (The Mission), the cigar is a tribute to company founder, Jim Faber and his short mission to Honduras that turned into a 15-plus year, love affair, with the people and land of Honduras. As a professional soccer player, Faber’s call to a mission, was to help the Honduran youth get off the crime and gang ridden streets, and find a better way through youth soccer camps.
In Jim’s words he explains La Misión:
“I never imagined that a short term mission trip to Honduras would turn into 15+ years of my life living and working with some of the most amazing people in the world. “La Misión” (the mission) is a tribute to the all the hard work and sacrifice that so many people made over those years. I was just honored to be a small spoke in the wheel in God’s vast and eternal plan.”
La Misión is available in a single 7.5 x 38 lancero that is finished with a traditional pig tail cap. Providencia Cigars describes La Misión as a medium to full strength cigar, that offers a balanced profile of pepper, cocoa, and spice with an under-note of caramel sweetness.
La Misión is a dual country blend composed of:
- Wrapper – Honduran
- Binder – Honduran
- Filler – Honduran and Nicaraguan
The company noted that all Honduran leaf used in La Misión is actually planted, grown, and harvested by Providencia Cigars on a private farm in Honduras. Final production of La Misión cigars is completed at the La Pequena Vega Cigar Factory in Danli, Honduras, which is owned by close friend Javier Mendoza, a second generation plantation owner and master blender.
Like the company’s Hostage cigar, they chose to go with a limited production rate of only 1,050 cigars so that they can ensure the quality and consistency, the company has become known for. They are packaged in 10-count, bright blue, cedar boxes and 11-count bundles. MSRP is set at $9.99/cigar.
Providencia Cigars will be taking orders and shipping La Misión starting immediately.
Providencia Cigars sent me a pre-release sample of La Misión a few months back, and even though it was young and the name was secret, it was an awesome lancero and overall fine smoke. You can read my pre-release review of La Misión here. I will be posting an updated review of the production version soon.