Cigar News: Providencia Cigars Releases The Hostage

Providencia Cigars, the little Texas cigar company that could, has announced the release of its 4th blend. Known as “The Hostage“, the cigar is said to be a bold entry for Providencia Cigar and founders Jim Faber, Reed Grafke, and Raymond Zinar. The cigar is a tribute to the harrowing experience Faber had while volunteering as a youth soccer coach in Honduras.

Providencia Cigars - The HostageIn the press release, Faber explains what happened:

“Through my soccer work and mission in Honduras I got close to the mayor of the town and was eventually asked if I would consider helping young members of a gang get off the street through my soccer camps and school.  Accepting the challenge, I developed a friendship with the young players and their parents as we helped to turn their lives by way of soccer.  

One day at the field, I was abducted by some men who forced me into a car. Some of the dads stepped in to help me amidst a flurry of gun fire and I was eventually able to get free.

I was later told by the US Military investigator that a Mexican gang had moved into the country and they believed it was these gang members that tried to kidnap me.”

That would make anybody want leave the country and never to return, but as we all know, Jim and his young company have since persevered and have been producing some fine cigars over the past few years.  As noted in the press release:

“Faber, who lived in Honduras from 1997-2011 has a deep love for the area and the citizens of this beautiful Central American country.  It is this love that drove him to create a cigar and pay tribute to those that saved his life that day.”

The Hostage is a limited production, 6 x 52 box-pressed toro with a blend described as:

  • Wrapper – San Andrés
  • Binder – Indonesian
  • Filler – Nicaragua and Honduran Ligero

Raymond Zinar, company co-founder noted

This cigar offers the experienced palate, a complex flavor profile down to the finish with a solid full-strength body of smoke.”

The Hostage is produced at the La Pequena Vega Cigar Factory in Danli, Honduras and comes packaged in 10-count cedar boxes and bundles of 11 with an MSRP of $9.99 per cigar/ $99.90 per box/bundle. Current production is limited to 1,050 cigars.

The company also gives credit to Javier Mendoza who was befriended by co-founders, Jim and Reed. Mendoza, A second-generation plantation owner and master blender, founded La Pequena Vega Cigar Factory in Danli, Honduras.

According to the release:

“Javier’s family plantations and drying barns are in the region of Trojes, Honduras, a mountainous valley nestled along the border of Nicaragua. With the perfect combination of sun, shade plus water from mountain aquifers and Cuban-like soil, the Trojes region of Honduras produces a uniquely flavored tobacco that is highly prized in the premium cigar industry.”

Providencia Cigars states they will be taking orders and shipping The Hostage starting this week. If you are looking for where to find them, and your local shop does not carry Providencia Cigars yet, they will be available on the company’s website

The company also cites JT Design Studio which is owned by Jennifer Rose, an avid cigar smoker and active supporter of the cigar industry for the last 5 years. Her company designed the box art and bands for The Hostage.