Reinado has just launched the delicious New C29 Connecticut cigar on their website. This medium-strength cigar is handmade in Nicaragua and has a blend described as:
- Wrapper -Ecuadorian Connecticut
- Binder – Nicaraguan
- Filler – Nicaraguan
The company notes that the C29 delivers extremely rich, creamy, baked bread notes accented by a light pepper on the finish.
Expressed in a single 5 x 52 robusto, the C29 will come packaged in paper-wrapped five-packs and will carry an MSRP of $10.00/cigar.
The name “C29” represents the 29th iteration of the blend before Antonio Lam, Reinado Cigars owner, got it right. He also noted that the binder and filler are various high primings.
Visit the Reinado Cigars website to learn more about their story and distinctive cigar blends.
Reinado donates a portion of the proceeds to the Dementia Society of America.