The Outlaw Cigar Company, the nations largest full service cigar company with a 1500 square foot, state of the art walk-in humidor based out of Kansas City MO has released the Gunslinger cigar line of cigars.
Gunslinger cigars come in 5 delicious blends all with names reminiscent of the wild west:
- Perdition
- Black Powder
- Drifter
- Hangman
- Unforgiven
Tonight I would like to talk about the Perdition blend which my very good friend from the Man Cave Cigar Lounge in Fort Lauderdale, Florida gave me to try.
A little research on this cigar reveals that it is a multi-country blend consisting of:
- Nicaraguan, Honduran and Broadleaf filler
- Nicaraguan Binder
- San Andreas Wrapper
A tasty combination of leaf if I say so myself. The Perdition is available in 4 vitolas:
- 5.5×48
- 6×44
- 6×52
- 7×60
For this review I sampled the 7×60. The first thing you notice about the Gunslinger Perdition is that it is a soft box pressed cigar. Unlike some San Andreas wrapped cigars that have a bit more of sandpaper grit to the touch, the wrapper on the Perdition has more of a soft felt like feel to it. The wrapper is deep chocolate-brown color and looking at the foot you will notice the dark aged maduro filler.
The band has a classic western look to it with two crossed six shooters and the word GUNSLINGER boldly printed across it. There is a secondary band that has the word Perdition identifying the blend.
Websters dictionary defines the word Perdition as:
The state of being in hell forever as punishment after death. Eternal Damnation
Well I hope that is not the verdict after smoking this fine-looking stogie.
As I run the Perdition across my nose I pick up a sweet tobacco scent on especially on the foot. I needed to get more in the mood for this smoking experience, so I decided to pair the Perdition with some Eagles on vinyl, “Desperado” to be exact.
I settled back on the couch in the Stogie Press lounge and clipped the head and gave it a few dry puffs. The draw was wide open and ready to deliver some high volumes of smoke. The flavor during the dry draw was slightly musty to start.
Well it was time to take it on, and I fired it with one good shot of my torch lighter after warming the foot. It responded quickly and fired up like a champion right out of the gate. There was a tingle of red pepper that opened my nostrils on the initial retro hale and played a little havoc with the back of my throat.
The pepper shot settled down and a nutty almond note entered the profile with a bit of citrus peel tang.
As the Perdition burned the smoke volume was turned all the way up as expected. The nut was joined with a some caramel and chocolate near the end of the 1st third. All I can think is, if this is damnation, then maybe hell ain’t so bad eh?
The ash held for the first inch and half and was medium grey color.
The second third brought on a touch of coffee half way down and the strength was picking up. The spice remained on the retro-hale but just enough to keep the nasals open.
The flavors balanced out nicely at this point and remained through the rest of the burn. The Perdition had a near perfect burn and the ash fell about every inch and half or so. It let off a nutty aroma from the middle of the second third that filled the lounge like those roasted peanut vendors you find on city streets.
Overall this was an outstanding smoke, and I would say it was a solid medium body cigar with full flavor. I would smoke this again and possible pair it with a nice smokey Islay Scotch next time.
You can find Gunslinger Cigars at the Man Cave Cigar Lounge in Fort Lauderdale if you are visiting south Florida.