In the latest survey, ninety-six (96) Domestic (US) Retailer members responded, up from the sixty-eight (68) who participated at the end of November. The survey shows 2017 holiday cigar sales levels at the country’s premium tobacco shops between December 18 and 24 exceeded levels from the same period in 2016.
The first 2017 holiday season survey conducted after Thanksgiving weekend showed that 56% of IPCPR members reported improved sales volumes. The new survey, covering the week before Monday, December 25, shows that the holiday sales season finished just strongly as it started with 55% of member Retailers reporting improved sales volumes.
Here are the three survey questions and the responses – in percentage and count (parentheses):
Was your premium tobacco store(s)’ total sales volume over the pre-Christmas holiday week up, down or relatively flat compared to the same period in 2016?
- Up 55% (53) Down 27% (26) About the Same 18% (17)
Was your premium tobacco store(s)’ store traffic over the pre-Christmas holiday week up, down or relatively flat compared to the same period in 2016?
- Up 45% (43) Down 28% (27) About the Same 27% (26)
Was your premium tobacco store(s)’ average spend per customer over the pre-Christmas holiday week up, down or relatively flat compared to the same period in 2016?
- Up 51% (49) Down 11% (11) About the Same 38% (36)
Inquiries about this survey should be directed to:
Greg Vickers, Retailer Member Services Mgr.
Direct: (202) 849-6048
Main: (202) 621-8064
Email: [email protected]