Miami, FL based Enki Cigars is currently searching for experienced sales representatives for the south east region of the United States.
ENKI Cigars is a manufacturer of premium cigars with many years of experience. Using the old methods of making and blending the best cigars in the world. Conceived by Karel Martinez, the ENKI Cigars brand blends the perfect combination of flavor and character in a cigar. This of course is done using the best quality fillers, binders and wrappers from the fertile lands of Nicaragua.
These meticulously crafted blends inspired the name for a company. ‘Enki‘, the name of one of the most powerful Gods in ancient Sumerian culture which translates in English as “Lord of Earth”, alludes to the experience of smoking our rich blends. With every leaf we hand pick, down to the 7 year aged dark Habano wrapper, every step we take is with tradition borne in mind. Undivided attention is paid to ensuring that each and every cigar we make results in a great smoking experience. Like those who lay the foundation before us, we set out to define what a truly great cigar is.
If you are an experienced sales person and are interested in being a part of an established and growing cigar brand, send your resume to:
ENKI Cigars – Att. Karel Martinez
9865 East Fern St.
Palmetto Bay Florida 33157
You can also contact ENKI Cigars at:
- Phone: 786-357-2526
- Email: [email protected]