The New Garo Cigars
In 1996, Garo Habano Fine Cigars released the first of many signature blends into the cigar industry. Dr. Garo Bouldoukian took advantage of the ‘cigar boom’ of the mid 90’s by introducing eclectic blends that were very well received. However as a boutique brand it was difficult to maintain quality as the demand for the cigars rapidly grew. The main issue was lack of control over cigar manufacturing. The cigars were made in the “borrowed space” of another company’s factory and there was no control over the quality of the tobacco being used. Garo Habano’s determination to overcome these obstacles of production led to the only viable solution…operating a factory solely for the company in the Dominican Republic.
In early 2013, Dr. Garo found a factory in Tamboril that was able to meet the demands of his unique blends. “There was no other option for me, after 16 years of being in the business I knew that having more control was the only way to create the type of cigar I wanted,” says Dr. Garo while smoking the new Maduro Especial 556. “We needed a fresh start, a new attitude and a new look,“ says the doctor with a smile. The Maduro Especial is just that, the exceptionally well-crafted cigar provides the fresh flavorful experience, which maduro smokers most crave. With its black and silver band, the cigar has a presence of its own. No wonder Dr. Garo is all smiles.
Garo Cigars is excited to show the industry it’s new look and new blends. Many changes are coming for this boutique label. It is going to be one of the ones to watch for at IPCPR this summer.
Garo Cigars Blends Available
Maduro Especial is available in three sizes, ME556, ME560t, and ME658. A Limited Edition blend, not associated with the ME line is also available in three sizes. A third new blend will debut at the IPCPR 2014 that will have a 64 ring gauge for you big ring gauge smokers.
For more information keep up on social media @garocigars. New website is currently in the works.