Every now and then you come across a new cigar brand that just hits the target.
Suriel Cigars come in two vitolas a Robusto and a Toro.
By blending five different kinds of leaves from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Perú it is our desire that this blend reaches a pleasant and interesting complexity that could be perfectly smoked at any time of the day.Wrapper: Brazilian
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan, Peruvian.
We have created these Toro Majestuoso with moments of shared pleasure in mind. Delivered in 6 x 56 format, elegance meets aroma, sweetness and creaminess in a blend of five different leaves from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and the United States.Wrapper: Brazilian
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, United States.
Suriel Cigars teamed up with and KBF (Kelner Boutique Factory) to create the magnificent blends and today I took some pleasure to sample the Day and Night Robusto. I will review the Majestuoso at a later time.
Since this cigar is named the Day and Night I thought it only proper to reach in my vinyl collection and cue up Joe Jackson’s Night and Day album, for some nice 80’s jazz background as I enjoy this creation. As the day side played I examined the Day and Night.
It had a slightly toothy medium brown wrapper with a sweet tobacco scent on the foot. There were some noticeable veins but not any worse than I have experienced on even some of the finer sticks on the market. There was no soft spots along the barrel and it seemed to be packed full of leaf. Rounding out the quality construction, the Day and Night was finished with a triple cap. The cigar is decorated with a beautiful Blue and Gold band with a classic old style machine and the word Suriel emblazoned on it.
Slicing off the head and giving it a dry draw test it had a decent draw just a tad restricted and had a nice sweetness to it. I torched it up with a single flame torch lighter, gently heating the foot so as not to scorch it. The Day and Night delivered a palate full of smoke on the first puff and every puff afterwards.
Funny – Joe Jackson is singing “Everything Gives You Cancer”.
The smoke was mild with no heavy pepper or nostril burn on the retro-hale. It is a very pleasant smoke.
As it burned through the first inch, the burn line was a little wavy to start but that eventually corrected itself with just a mild touch up. There was a wonderful dark grey ash as it burned that was holding tight through the first third.
The smoke was creamy with a note of citrus and sweet vanilla like aroma coming off the foot. The draw was a little restricted on the 1st third but then opened up as it approached the 2nd third.
Getting into the 2nd third, the ash was still hanging on strong, and the sweetness was showing up on the head. This is a very smooth smoke and it definitely goes well with the soft Joe Jackson tunes. A nutty flavor is developing now, which I attribute to the Peruvian leaf in the blend. The Flavors are well-balanced and subtle.
Moving into the last third, the Day and Night shifted to a more earthy flavor and the ash is still holding amazingly tight . There is a mild white pepper moving in and the aroma chnages to more of a roasted nut.
The ash never fell and I smoked this one to the nub. I am looking forward to sampling the Majestuoso next, so stay tuned for that review.
Thanks for the review! the Suriel are now available online at http://www.surielcigars.com/buyonline / http://store.cigarfederation.com/collections/suriel-cigars