Cigar News: Fortaleza y Libre Cigars To Unveil Exclusive Event Cigar: #GMFF

Fortaleza y Libre Cigars proudly announces the launch of its inaugural event-exclusive cigar, the #GMFF. This meticulously crafted blend represents the culmination of years of dedication to the artistry of premium cigars. Greg Free, President of Fortaleza y Libre Cigars noted: “With tobaccos sourced from four distinct countries, the #GMFF stands as a testament to Read more about Cigar News: Fortaleza y Libre Cigars To Unveil Exclusive Event Cigar: #GMFF[…]

Cigar News: Fortaleza y Libre Cigars Announces the INTIMIDADOR

Fortaleza y Libre Cigars has announced its newest addition to the company’s lineup, the Intimidador. Greg Free, President of Fortaleza y Libre Cigars states: “This addition expands our catalog of blends on the full-bodied and full-strength end of the spectrum. With the recent addition of the Avalanche and now the Intimidador, we have a cigar Read more about Cigar News: Fortaleza y Libre Cigars Announces the INTIMIDADOR[…]