Cigar News: J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Releases 2025 José Gaspar Cigars

Tampa has two-century-old traditions: Since 1885, Tampa has been known as “Cigar City.” Since 1904, pirates have been invading Tampa and throwing a large festival called Gasparilla. Each year, J.C. Newman Cigar Co. brings both traditions together by releasing a limited edition José Gaspar cigar.  Handcrafted by J.C. Newman, a 130-year-old, four-generation family business, José Gaspar cigars Read more about Cigar News: J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Releases 2025 José Gaspar Cigars[…]

Cigar News: J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Releases 2024 José Gaspar Cigars

Tampa has two-century-old traditions: Since 1885, Tampa has been known as “Cigar City.” Since 1904, pirates have been invading Tampa and throwing a large festival called Gasparilla. Each year, J.C. Newman Cigar Co. brings both traditions together by releasing a limited edition José Gaspar cigar. Handcrafted by J.C. Newman, a 128-year-old, four-generation family business, José Read more about Cigar News: J.C. Newman Cigar Co. Releases 2024 José Gaspar Cigars[…]