Cigar News: Cigar Dojo Partners with Espinosa for Unique Cigar Travel Kit

Twenty twenty-two marks the 10th anniversaries of both Espinosa Premium Cigars and Cigar Dojo.Helping to commemorate the occasion, the two have collaborated on the Cigar Dojo Travel Kit, a unique presentation of two of the most beloved cigars from each company: Espinosa Habano and Sensei’s Sensational Sarsaparilla. It’s no secret that the Dojo community (aka Read more about Cigar News: Cigar Dojo Partners with Espinosa for Unique Cigar Travel Kit[…]

Espinosa Habano 2015

Espinosa Habano 2015 Cigar Review

Introduced or should I say re-introduced at the 2015 IPCPR, the Espinosa Habano blend got a new look and a tweak in the blend. The original Espinosa Habano was released in 2012 when Erik Espinosa opened his new boutique cigar line and his La Zona cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. So here we are in Read more about Espinosa Habano 2015 Cigar Review[…]