Black Star Cigar Line and Epic Cigars are proud to announce a Black History Month collaboration project along with online retailer and cigar club, Privada Cigar Club. The special cigar is a (6 x 52) Habano wrapped Nicaraguan puro. The MSRP has been set at $12.00/cigar. Production is limited to only 1,200 cigars and are available in singles.
Aric Bey, Owner of Black Star Line Cigars notes:
“The factory is undisclosed, we wanted to focus on the positive message behind the cigar. Privada Cigar Club will be donating $10,000 by way of a college scholarship to an unannounced student at the Racine, Wi YMCA.”
Mr. Qawi, President of the YMCA and also a cigar enthusiast had this to say:
“I think this is indicative of the culture and people involved in cigars. Cigars unite people. Take a look at your local cigar shop or online at what folks like Privada Cigar Club are doing and you will see multiple races and religions joined through a passion for cigars.”
Dean Parsons, owner of Epic Cigars added:
“As if it was not enough to be involved in something with a GREAT cause, the cigar is absolutely phenomenal. Aric, Brian and I went back and forth on several rounds of blending to reach this cigar. I’m honored to have been involved in this and I hope to make more of this blend at some point soon.”