Cigar News: Viva La Vida by A.J. Fernandez Goes International

AJ Fernandez is pleased to announce the international market launch of its renowned Viva La Vida cigars as originally created in 2019 by Billy and Gus Fakih. AJ Fernandez will not only continue to manufacture Viva La Vida cigars, but also distribute the brand throughout their international markets. These markets include places such as Europe, Asia, and Israel.

The Viva la Vida cigars are all 100% Nicaraguan puros and offer a medium to full blend of smoking pleasure and have been highly rated cigars on Stogie Press since their inception. Now the world can appreciate a truly fine Nicaraguan puro.

Billy & Gus Fakih of Artesano Del Tobacco exclaimed:

“ AJ Fernandez doing a phenomenal work producing and distributing Viva La Vida Cigars, and to have him and his organization take Viva La Vida Cigars to the International Market is a dream come true. We trust his vision, his discipline, and dedication works that makes our decision much easier to select him this job and because of him everybody all over the world will be able to enjoy Viva La Vida Cigars.”

Viva La Vida is draped by a silky smooth Habano Oscuro 2000 wrapper, which is accentuated by a Corojo 99 binder and Criollo 98 filler tobaccos, all from AJ’s farms in Nicaragua.

Time Honored Tradition

Through a fusion of inherited techniques and learned patience, AJ has developed proprietary tobacco grown from the most prized seeds harvested exclusively on his family farms. Perhaps the most essential quality of an AJ Fernandez cigar is not tangible.

It is passion and discipline that motivates AJ to produce world renown premium cigars. The motivation that flows and radiates from AJ are contagious and palatable throughout all the artisans who hone their craft and skills under his hands-on tutelage throughout Nicaragua. All these attributes stem from humble beginnings in San Luis, Pinar del Rio, Cuba where the Fernandez family heritage began.

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