In celebration of the Leesburg Cigar and Pipe 30th anniversary, Omar de Frias announced today that Fratello Cigars has created an exclusive cigar for the shop.
The 6 ¼ x 47 Fratello Oro Churchill, named Celebrando 30 Anos, will have an initial run of 3,000 consisting of 150 boxes of 20. The MSRP has been set at $8.75 per cigar.
The shop, founded in 1988, is Leesburg Virginia’s premier tobacconist with over 24,000 cigars in stock and plenty of pipes and pipe tobacco for any budget.
In a press release, de Frias noted:
“I am incredibly proud to be part of Leesburg Cigar and Pipe 30th anniversary. To continuously run and operate a small business for 30 years is no easy feat. Bill is a passionate Connecticut shade cigar smoker and played a huge role in selecting the final oro blend.”
The Fratello Oro Celebrando 30 Anos is the fourth store exclusive for Fratello Cigars. Prior to this latest release, the company created the Fratello Esclusivo for the Old Virginia Tobacco shop.