2015 Top 25 Boutique Cigars – The Final Countdown


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Happy New Year !!!

Well it has been a long year and we have smoked through a lot of cigars. Every year Stogie Press publishes what we consider the Top 25 Boutique cigars of the year. To qualify, the cigar had to be released in 2015 and the company had to be considered a boutique brand by our definition. There were many cigars we certainly enjoyed but did not qualify as they were from larger companies such as Swisher International, General, Altidas, Ashton, Fuente, etc.

Certainly many of these would make, and have made, many Top lists this year. If we were to have selected a Top 5 of the year, the number one cigar would have been the Ashton La Aroma de Cuba Noblesse, but since our inception, we focused our Top 25 on Boutique Brands as they generally get less attention than the larger brands. Some of these boutique blends are truly hidden gems that were simply amazing, in both burn and flavor profile.

Over the past few weeks we have been identifying the candidates for our Top 25 Boutique cigars that made the cut. Now, as the New Year has arrived, we would like to congratulate and introduce our list of the best, new boutique blends, of 2015.

To start the ball rolling, the Stogie Press, Number 1 Boutique cigar of 2015, is the Warped Don Reynaldo.

Congratulations to Kyle Gellis, his team, and El Titan de Bronze for creating  an amazing blend and outstanding smoking experience.

The remaining breakdown of the 2015 Top 25 Boutique cigars is as follows:

2. Aging Room “F59 Quattro

3. MLB Cigar Ventures “Imperia”

4. Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust “Sobremesa”

5. Crux Cigars “Crux du Connoisseur”

6. El Yayabo “Maduro”

7. Nomad “Esteli Lot 8613”>

8. Dominican Big Leaguer (DBL) “Formula

9. PDR Cigars “A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada

10. Rodriguez “Serie 84 Maduro

11. Warped “Corto X50”

12. Southern Draw “Kudzu”

13. Arandoza “DEFCON”

14. Padilla “San Andres”

15. Moya Ruiz “The Rake”

16. Ezra Zion “All My Ex’s”

17. Flor de Gonzales (FDG) “20 Aniversario Broadleaf”

18. Wilson and Adams “Mr. Wilson”

19. Swinger Cigars “1895”

20. R.P. Duran “Neya F8 Ligero Typhoon”

21. Kafie 1901 “Connecticut”

22. Alec Bradley “MAXX”

23. Iconic Leaf “Recluse Amadeus Habano Reserva”

24. Ventura Cigars “Psyko Seven Maduro”

25. Santiago Cigars “Habano”

We would also like to add 2 honorable mentions:


Once again, congratulations to these hard working cigar men and women keeping the dream alive. Each and everyone, regardless if they made the cut, deserves recognition for what  they bring to the industry.

Happy New Year and best wishes for a prosperous 2016 from the Stogie Press team.

We will see you in Vegas!!

James (Boston Jimmie) Vita

Publisher – Stogie Press

An Immerse Marketing, LLC Publication