Cigar News: Joya De Nicaragua and Cigar Dojo Announce the Joya Ninjaragua

You read that right, it is not a type. The oldest cigar factory in Nicaragua and the team from Cigar Dojo and collaborated on a bold new cigar that is blended for the higher rank. The new cigar will be known as the Joya Ninjaragua, and according to Dojoverse Wisdom: “Ninjaragua, the legendary status achieved Read more about Cigar News: Joya De Nicaragua and Cigar Dojo Announce the Joya Ninjaragua[…]

Cigar Review: Drew Estate Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown – Rated 88

Announced during the #DESummerTakeover campaign and highlighted on Freestyle Live: Special Edition the Drew Estate Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown is the creation of Drew Estate Master Blender Willy Herrera and Cigar Dojo Master Sensei Eric Guttormson. Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown is a 5 x 54 box-pressed robusto chosen by Drew Estate Master Blender Read more about Cigar Review: Drew Estate Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown – Rated 88[…]

Cigar News: Drew Estate now Shipping Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown to Drew Diplomat Retailers Nationwide

Drew Estate has announced they are now shipping the Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown to Drew Diplomat Retailers nationwide. The Dojo Dogma Sun Grown was announced during the #DESummerTakeover campaign and it was highlighted on Freestyle Live: Special Edition. Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown is a 5 x 54 box-pressed robusto chosen by Drew Estate Read more about Cigar News: Drew Estate now Shipping Undercrown Dojo Dogma Sun Grown to Drew Diplomat Retailers Nationwide[…]

Protocol Night Stick

Cigar News: Cigar Dojo, Cubariqueño Cigar Company, and La Zona Introduce the Protocol Night Stick

Cigar Dojo and Cubariqueño Cigar Company are at again as they have joined forces to collaborate on a yet another cigar blend. Known as the Protocol Night Stick it will be a swift and just assault on the palates of die-hard cigar enthusiasts. In a press release today, the two companies stated: Following in the Read more about Cigar News: Cigar Dojo, Cubariqueño Cigar Company, and La Zona Introduce the Protocol Night Stick[…]

Undercrown Dojo Dogma

Cigar Review: Drew Estate Undercrown Dojo Dogma – Rated 91

As soon as I posted a picture of me checking out the Drew Estate Undercrown Dogma cigar, I received messages asking if I am going to review it. Since you all want to hear what Boston Jimmie has to say, I moved this right to the top of my scheduled reviews for you all to read. Read more about Cigar Review: Drew Estate Undercrown Dojo Dogma – Rated 91[…]

MoyaRuiz – Chinese Finger Trap Cigar Review

I love Sunday mornings. My darling wife always brings me breakfast in bed, and today she brought me some homemade pancakes with fresh maple syrup and butter. As I sat up and dug into the stack I picked up that wonderful butter and syrup aroma and was brought back to last night when I sampled Read more about MoyaRuiz – Chinese Finger Trap Cigar Review[…]

La Jugada Nunchuck – Cigar Review

Well it has been a while since I got the La Jugada Nunchuck back in July of 2014. Of course I got one of side of the connected sticks, but hey, that’s ok, I let it rest a long time and now I get to smokeand review it. Don’t worry Moya Ruiz guys I haven’t Read more about La Jugada Nunchuck – Cigar Review[…]