Cigar News: MEERAPFEL Cigar sets yet another new Gold Standard in the cigar industry with its Unique Wood Chest Design

MEERAPFEL Cigar, the creators of Uberluxury in the premium cigar industry, have unveiled their latest milestone in redefining the cigar experience. In September 2023, MEERAPFEL Cigar introduces a newly designed wooden chest, invented to elevate cigar garment to unprecedented heights. The groundbreaking feature of MEERAPFEL Cigar’s new chest is the introduction of a perforated double Read more about Cigar News: MEERAPFEL Cigar sets yet another new Gold Standard in the cigar industry with its Unique Wood Chest Design[…]

Cigar News: MEERAPFEL Cigar Launches “Ernest” Master Blend

The MEERAPFEL family, the oldest business in the premium cigar industry – an unrivaled legacy spanning over 400 years and 11 generations of tradition has announced the launch of its third master blend – the Ernest. The new blend is part of the company’s UberLuxury line and is a nod to Ernest MEERAPFEL, who left Read more about Cigar News: MEERAPFEL Cigar Launches “Ernest” Master Blend[…]