Cigar News: The PCA and The Cigar Academy Announce New Education-Focused Partnership

The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) and The Cigar Academy have announced a strategic partnership to offer comprehensive educational programs and certifications for cigar industry professionals and enthusiasts. This collaboration gives PCA members a new way to learn about the cigar industry and its processes through online modules and in-person workshops. The Cigar Academy’s educational program Read more about Cigar News: The PCA and The Cigar Academy Announce New Education-Focused Partnership[…]

Cigar News: Stogie Press to Launch PERILOUS – The Ultimate Cigar Trivia Game Show

JVC Enterprises, LLC – The Parent company of Stogie Press is proud to announce the launch of a new and engaging game show that will help educate cigar enthusiasts. The game is called PERILOUSTM and is designed to be informative and perilous to play. Contestants will compete to win prizes and gift certificates, for shops Read more about Cigar News: Stogie Press to Launch PERILOUS – The Ultimate Cigar Trivia Game Show[…]

Cigar 101 – Pairing Cigars with Beverages

Pairing a cigar with the right drink can enhance the smoking experience and bring out the unique flavors of the cigar. The art of cigar and drink pairing is a subtle one and requires a delicate balance between the flavors and aromas of both the cigar and the drink. Here are some popular ways to Read more about Cigar 101 – Pairing Cigars with Beverages[…]

Cigar 101 – The Science of Tasting

I would like to take some time to talk about cigar tasting, something I hear a lot about especially when I pen a review and some of my readers comment about the flavors and aromas I pick up. I have been smoking cigars for 43 years. Over those many decades I had my share of Read more about Cigar 101 – The Science of Tasting[…]

Cigar 101: Should I Keep Cellophane On or Off In The Humidor? – By Mike Holmes

From time to time when I browse social media I constantly see people ask if they should leave cellophane on or off their cigars while in the humidor. Like all cigar questions everyone has a different opinion on the subject, I am no different. In this article I am going to explore the reasons why Read more about Cigar 101: Should I Keep Cellophane On or Off In The Humidor? – By Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar 101: When Is It Okay To Give Up On A Cigar? by Mike Holmes

Recently I took a poll of people that follow me as a cigar lifestyle advocate. In one of the questions I asked respondents “What topics do you want to see covered in a cigar 101 article?” There were a lot of responses so I figured I would use one of the suggestions and answer the Read more about Cigar 101: When Is It Okay To Give Up On A Cigar? by Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar 101:Recognizing Flavor Notes In Cigars – By Mike Holmes

Cigars are like wine, in the sense of being able to pull out notes through your smoking experience. Whether or not you know how to recognize the notes, is a matter of experience level and whether or not you actually want to try and pick out the notes while puffing your favorite cigars. I hear Read more about Cigar 101:Recognizing Flavor Notes In Cigars – By Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar 101: Crux Cigars Releases Mini Film “Artisans” to Celebrate the Cigar Artisan’s Legacy

Crux cigars announced today they have released a short, three minute film highlighting the cigar manufacturing process. The film is titled ‘Artisans’ and it is a dive into cigar manufacturing through Crux Cigar’s unique point of view. The film artistically highlights the extensive process and how workers transform raw tobacco into finished cigars. Viewers are Read more about Cigar 101: Crux Cigars Releases Mini Film “Artisans” to Celebrate the Cigar Artisan’s Legacy[…]

Cigar 101: How to Not Get Jacked By TSA – By Mike Holmes

Everyone likes to go on vacation, or maybe you travel for work a lot? Either way I see people post all over social media, traveling horror stories about how they got their $300 torch confiscated by TSA or how they had cigars and cutters taken from them at some point on their journey. If you Read more about Cigar 101: How to Not Get Jacked By TSA – By Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar 101: An Age Old Controversy Plume Vs. Mold – By Mike Holmes

Earlier this year I wrote an article about setting up and maintaining your humidor in which I briefly touched on avoiding mold in your humidor. I purposely did not mention the Mold Vs. Plume argument because it is a subject in itself, which deserves its own article. The Mold Vs. Plume argument isn’t a very complicated Read more about Cigar 101: An Age Old Controversy Plume Vs. Mold – By Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar 101: Best Solutions for Winter Time Smoking – By Mike Holmes

Winter time is fast approaching and cigar smokers in areas that get really cold are starting to panic because many people often don’t smoke during the winter due to dropping temperatures. This doesn’t have to be the case! There are a few solutions to your problem that don’t include cutting out smoking cigars. Take notes Read more about Cigar 101: Best Solutions for Winter Time Smoking – By Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar 101: Wtf Are These Cigar Acronyms And Terms? – By Mike Holmes

For this months cigar 101 topic I really had to think hard on what I wanted to write about. I know I put a feeler out for ideas, unfortunately I decided not to use them! Sorry folks. Instead I got an excellent idea for a very informative article. It seems like weekly, I see this Read more about Cigar 101: Wtf Are These Cigar Acronyms And Terms? – By Mike Holmes[…]

Cigar News: Tobacco Kennedy (TK) Presents Cigar Educated Platform

Back in August, Kennedy Achille, (Tobacco Kennedy) owner of StogieTV and Promoter of Black Smoke Miami reached out to me about a new project he was working on and asked for my input on it. The project was called Cigar Educated, an in-depth course dedicated to Cigar Education. This course is billed as the first Read more about Cigar News: Tobacco Kennedy (TK) Presents Cigar Educated Platform[…]

Cigar 101: Picking Cigars for the Best Smoking Experience – Mike Holmes

Boston Jimmie forwarded a message to me about a cigar smoker who was smoking a lancero and started to feel sick while smoking the cigar. It was suggested that one of us write about how to pick cigars to smoke, that are within someone’s league, to help them have the best smoking experience. Once again Read more about Cigar 101: Picking Cigars for the Best Smoking Experience – Mike Holmes[…]